Katy/Sugarland Support Group

Contact: Nicola Ferla
Email: ferla.nicola@gmail.com
IN-PERSON MEETING Katy / West Houston Location Watch for OCTOBER – DECEMBER DATES RSVP with number of adults and number of children attending to info@tourettetexas.org or ferla.nicola@gmail.com so that we can adequately prepare for the number of people coming (i.e. handouts, pizza, food, drinks). However, last minute attendees will still be welcomed.

Contact Us

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The above support group leaders and individuals have agreed to accept telephone calls concerning Tourette’s syndrome.  Although all phone volunteers are well versed in TS, their comments reflect their personal background with TS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Chapter.  For further information, contact the support group leader by emailing us at TouretteTexas@aol.com or call the office at 281-238-8096.  All meetings are FREE of charge unless noted.

Tourette Texas Support Groups

In-person and Zoom meetings

Contact for dates and times

Spanish Groups

Concurrent sibling groups

All family members welcome

Experienced leaders and individuals

from a variety of personal backgrounds

All events free of charge

unless otherwise noted

Safe space and a welcoming environment